Babun, knjige
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Strane i taroti, 3 za 3999
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U očuvanom stanju, poneka nota grafitnom olovkom.
Popust 10 %
2700 din. 25.23 € 30.00 $
3000 din. 28.04 € 33.33 $
Od vremena nastanka, krajem trinaestog veka u Španiji, Zohar je, uz Bibliju i Talmud, presudno uticao na razvoj jevrejske misli i tradicije. Kao središnje delo jevrejskog mističkog učenja, kabale, Zohar otvara dveri koje vode do nove vrste religijskog iskustva, do neposredne spoznaje božanskog.
Popust 25 %
446 din. 4.16 € 4.95 $
594 din. 5.55 € 6.60 $
Dobro očuvano. Kabbalah Unveiled-S.l.macgregor Mathers.
Nema na zalihama
This book is a dictionary for the art of Gematria, or interpreting numbers as standing for words. This is not an easy pursuit, but this book helps a great deal.
Popust 10 %
2880 din. 26.92 € 32.00 $
3200 din. 29.91 € 35.56 $
Q.B.L. is a masterpiece of Qabalah and controversy. Its importance to the world of modern occult literature can be measured not only by its value as a remarkable, understandable textbook of the fundamental principles of Qabalah, but also by the way it offers us a rare glimpse into the heart and mind of a brilliant and sincere seeker of wisdom and truth. Q.B.L. is a unique work in both Qabalah and Thelemic circles.
Nema na zalihama
The Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation, although very short, is probably the most important of the Kabalistic texts. Its secrets were passed on in the Hebrew oral tradition until it was written down in the 2nd century b.c.e.
An introduction to the ancient kabbalistic origins and meanings of the tarot.
Popust 5 %
2280 din. 21.31 € 25.33 $
2400 din. 22.43 € 26.67 $
The classic book on working with the energy of the body for spiritual purposes, The Middle Pillar by Israel Regardie, is now more complete, more modern, more usable, and better than ever. The exercise known as the Middle Pillar was devised by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Popust 10 %
2574 din. 24.06 € 28.60 $
2860 din. 26.73 € 31.78 $
Dion Fortune's classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the Western Mystery Traditions.
Popust 10 %
2520 din. 23.55 € 28.00 $
2800 din. 26.17 € 31.11 $
This work contains the Judaic Sun, the Christian Glory and the Flaming Star as well as studies on the origins of the Qabalah with research into the mysteries of Freemasonry, the profession of faith, and elements of the Qabalah.
The most comprehensive introduction available to the Golden Dawn system of initiation.
Popust 5 %
3040 din. 28.41 € 33.78 $
3200 din. 29.91 € 35.56 $
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