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Ray Malbrough
How would you like to increase the power of your magick? Now you can, with the help of real Louisiana Hoodoo. In Charms, Spells & Formulas, youll find rituals and recipes for incenses, oils, powders and washes that you can use to make changes in your life.
Nema na zalihama
Alternative medicine
Mantak Čia
A guide to restoring men's sexual health and function to maintain a flourishing sex life well into old age.
Nema na zalihama
Martial Arts
Mantak Čia
A guide to restoring women’s reproductive health and maintaining sexual desire.
Nema na zalihama
Martial Arts
Mantak Čia
Fully illustrated guide to massage techniques for unblocking chi, releasing tight tendons and muscles, and alleviating back and joint pain.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2574 din. 24.06 € 28.60 $
2860 din. 26.73 € 31.78 $
Martial Arts
Mantak Čia
Mantak Chia has written many books over the years, some are better than others. This is a book full of knowledge, with step-by-step instructions on how to do them.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2772 din. 25.91 € 30.80 $
3080 din. 28.79 € 34.22 $
Martial Arts
Mantak Čia
The Western concept of massage primarily concerns muscle manipulation. In the practice of Chi Massage, internal energy, or Chi, is manipulated to strengthen and rejuvenate the sense organs eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, and skin and the internal organs.
Eastern Teachings
Michael Freeman
With rich, detailed photographs and insightful commentary, this Chinese interior design book will provide you with plenty of fresh and colorful decorating ideas.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
4140 din. 38.69 € 46.00 $
4600 din. 42.99 € 51.11 $
Alternative medicine
Steven Cardoza
Discover how the various branches of Chinese medicine can be integrated into your life to ensure the best, holistic outcome to any health problem.
Cena sa PDV-om:
3200 din. 29.91 € 35.56 $
Tarot karte
Starinski špil od 52 karte sa minijaturnim slikama na levom uglu i opisnim slikama sa značenjima na preostalim delovima karata. Takođe mogu poslužiti kao karte za igranje, uključujući instrukcije.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
1080 din. 10.09 € 12.00 $
1200 din. 11.21 € 13.33 $
Tarot karte
Lo Scarabeo
Višejezično izdanja. Reprodukcija špila iz 1800. koja je zadržala sve karakteristike drevne Sibile, posedujući tako jednu nostalgičnu ali izrazito asocijativnu notu.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
1620 din. 15.14 € 18.00 $
1800 din. 16.82 € 20.00 $
Uspeh i motivacija
Brajan Trejsi
Postignite sve što želite brže nego što ste ikada pomislili da je moguće. Vaše vreme i vaš novac su dragoceni.
Popust 5%
Cena sa PDV-om:
1140 din. 10.65 € 12.67 $
1200 din. 11.21 € 13.33 $
K. G. Jung
Ovo delo sadrži eseje koji se tiču savremene cililizacije i, naročito, odnosa pojedinca i društva. U ranom periodu svog stvaralaštva (1918), Jung je izneo teoriju da je evropski konflikt u osnovi psihološka kriza koja potiče iz kolektivnog nesvesnog.
Nema na zalihama
Aleksandra Čoran
Discover your natural clairvoyant abilities and see the future of your love life, your financial potential, and your spiritual destiny.
Cena sa PDV-om:
1800 din. 16.82 € 20.00 $
Alternative medicine
Erika Buenaflor
A tutorial on the ancient practice of limpias to heal the mind, body, and soul
Nema na zalihama
Karl Von Eckartshausen
A.E. Waite recommended this to the young Aleister Crowley in 1896 as the book he should read to understand the nature of the Interior Church.
Popust 5%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2508 din. 23.44 € 27.87 $
2640 din. 24.67 € 29.33 $
New Age
Betty Edwards
A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors Millions of people have learned to draw using the methods of Dr. Betty Edwardss bestseller The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.
Eastern Teachings
Susanne P. Fincher
Coloring the circular designs known as mandalas is a relaxing, meditative activity enjoyed by adults and children alike. The mandalas in this book are specially designed to provide a creative encounter with the Divine as a feminine presence.
Anthony Louis
Comprehensive and easy to use, Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Tarot contains everything you ever wanted to know about tarot. Join Anthony Louis as he explores tarot history, shares card meanings and spreads, and provides detailed guidance that educates and inspires, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced reader.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2880 din. 26.92 € 32.00 $
3200 din. 29.91 € 35.56 $
Celeste Rayne Heldstab
Step into the fantastically fragrant world of magical oils and discover a new, invigorating way to delight your senses, uplift your spirits, improve your health, and enjoy total relaxation.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2610 din. 24.39 € 29.00 $
2900 din. 27.10 € 32.22 $
Caitlín Matthews
More than 200 years old, the 36 Lenormand cards are an oracle combining standard playing cards with images from the everyday world, such as key, book, animals, and flowers.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2664 din. 24.90 € 29.60 $
2960 din. 27.66 € 32.89 $
1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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