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Taoist Yoga - Charles Luk

Čarls Luk Čarls Luk

Taoist Yoga - Charles Luk


Religions Religions

ISBN: 9780877280675

Format: 14 x 20 cm

Broj strana: 224

Povez: Paperback

Izdavač: Weiser Books Weiser Books

Godina izdanja: 1999.

Šifra proizvoda: 716



Popust 10%

Cena sa PDV-om:

2178 din.  20.36 €  24.20 $

2420 din.  22.62 €  26.89 $



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A comprehensive course of Taoist yoga. Instructions by ancient enlightened patriarchs and masters are translated here for the first time. A classic work.

Written in a question and answer format, "Taoist Yoga" provides complete instruction and training in a particular type of spiritual alchemy that allows us to achieve the divine state of immorality. This work is the forerunner of many more modern books on the subject, and describes the Taoist methods of stopping the generative force. Instead of only being discharged to procreate off-spring, this vital force can be retained in the body for purification and transmutation into positive vitality, so the spirit can be restored to its original primal state. It teaches us how to handle our sexual energy differently in order to enhance our spiritual growth. The teachings contained herein have been preserved for the last 47 centuries, and although these ancient texts address the male student, both men and women alike can benefit from the techniques of transforming sexual energy into heightened spiritual consciousness. Even if we fail to reach the ultimate goal of immortality, we can enjoy longevity, health and spiritual growth in the present life.





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