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The Tarot Spreads - Barbara Moore

Barbara Moore Barbara Moore

The Tarot Spreads - Barbara Moore


Occult Occult

ISBN: 9780738727844

Format: 17 x 24 cm

Broj strana: 230

Povez: Paperback

Izdavač: Llewellyn Publications Llewellyn Publications

Godina izdanja: 2012.

Šifra proizvoda: 882



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Bring power, precision, and depth to your tarot readings with this helpful and easy-to-use tarot book. It presents techniques usually found only in workshops, plus nearly seventy different themed spreads so you can choose or create the perfect spread for any question or purpose.

Tarot expert Barbara Moore explains what makes a great tarot spread and why, including how the principles of design and psychological response play a part. In addition to simple techniques that will make your readings more fun and more accurate, you will discover new ways to help you create a reading style that is all your own.

• Select a spread and use it effectively for guidance in important areas: love and relationships, achieving goals, spiritual journeys, financial abundance, health, and situation-specific advice
• Create your own spreads and modify a classic spread
• Perform a 78-card reading to deepen your understanding of tarot





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