Babun, knjige
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Domaće, 3 za 799
Domaće, 3 za 999
Domaće i strane, 3 za 1999
Strane i taroti, 3 za 3999
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3000 = 2%
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30000 = 10%
ISBN: 9781578631360
Format: 14 x 21 cm
Broj strana: 144
Povez: Paperback
Godina izdanja: 2005.
Šifra proizvoda: 1465
Cena sa PDV-om:
2200 din. 20.56 € 24.44 $
A manual on the art of casting the runes by a leading expert on ancient divination practices.
From the author of the bestselling Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic and Runelore comes the foundational handbook on rune work, a practical manual for novice and adept alike. A well-known expert on this ancient divinatory art, Edred Thorsson shows how you can create and cast your own runes.
The word rune means "mystery." Casting the runes enables the runecaster to penetrate the mystery of the relationship between the gods and humans. Based on the same ancient glyphs that have been used for centuries to preserve that connection between mortal and divine, Thorsson traces the evolution of runecasting, showing its historical, spiritual, and cosmological significance.
In the Runecaster's Handbook, he teaches you how to divine your own fate, as well as the fate of those around you, and guides you on a journey of merging your internal and external environments to truly learn the runecaster's art.
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