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Sve veze, meniVaša korpa

Alister Krouli Alister Krouli



Occult Occult

ISBN: 9780877281474

Format: 14 x 21 cm

Broj strana: 366

Povez: Paperback

Izdavač: Red Wheel Red Wheel

Godina izdanja: 1994.

Šifra proizvoda: 1447



Cena sa PDV-om:

2200 din.  20.56 €  24.44 $



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Crowley's most famous novel. A young girl is drawn into a magical war between two men and is forced to choose between them. The reader is taken through an incredible series of magical intrigues involving a Black Lodge.

Written from personal experience, this work describes the methods and theories of modern magical practices.

First published in 1917.





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