Babun, knjige
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Domaće, 3 za 799
Domaće, 3 za 999
Domaće i strane, 3 za 1999
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3000 = 2%
5000 = 3%
10000 = 5%
20000 = 7%
30000 = 10%
ISBN: 9781567187960
Format: 14 x 20 cm
Broj strana: 256
Povez: Paperback
Izdavač: Llewellyn Publications
Godina izdanja: 2002.
Šifra proizvoda: 809
Cena sa PDV-om:
1980 din. 18.50 € 22.00 $
What youve done thousands of times in your sleep can now become a totally conscious experience with the help of this handy guidebook.
Youll soon learn to leave your body and explore the astral realm with confidence and safety.
Achieving your first astral travel experience is always the most difficult and no single method will work for everyone. Thats why the techniques in this book are carefully graded to step by step through an actual out-of-body experience. And with fifteen time-tested methods to choose from youre sure to be astral traveling in no time.
Once you learn to leave your body, the freedom youll discover will transform your life. Explore new worlds … learn to travel with a partner … go back and forth through time … even find a lover… but, most importantly, lose your fear of death as you discover that you are a spiritual being independent of your physical body.
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