Babun, knjige
Duhovne biografije,
Akcija, knjige i taroti
Domaće, 3 za 799
Domaće, 3 za 999
Domaće i strane, 3 za 1999
Strane i taroti, 3 za 3999
Količinski popusti
Narudžbina veća od:
3000 = 2%
5000 = 3%
10000 = 5%
20000 = 7%
30000 = 10%
ISBN: 9780804832632
Format: 15 x 23 cm
Broj strana: 288
Povez: Paperback
Godina izdanja: 2001.
Šifra proizvoda: 760
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2376 din. 22.21 € 26.40 $
2640 din. 24.67 € 29.33 $
A rare, never-before-seen collection of Bruce Lees private letters and writing! Bruce Lee was an intense man with such sheer concentration of energy that no one who encountered him, on screen or in person, could help but be drawn to him and his enthusiasm for life and knowledge. A voracious and engaged reader, Lee wrote extensively, synthesizing the thought of East and West into a unique personal philosophy of self-discovery. Bruce Lee: Artist of Life explores the development and fruition of Bruce Lees thoughts about gung fu (kung fu), philosophy, psychology, poetry, jeet kune do, acting, and self-knowledge.
This volume from Bruce Lees private notebooks is capped by a selection of Lees letters that eloquently demonstrate how he incorporated his thought into actions and advice to others. Also included are multiple drafts of select compositions, showing how Lees ideas evolved and was refined over the years and how the ideas he was reading and writing about were reflected in his work and everyday life.
Sections include:
• Gung Fu – reflections on gung fu, psychology in defense and attack, how to choose a martial arts instructor, and Bruce's view on the martial art
• Philosophy – regarding human understanding, Taoism, Plato, Socrates, and Descartes
• Psychology – three types of philosophy, the top dog and the underdog, the four basic philosophical approaches, and learning
• Poetry – 'The Dying Sun,' 'Love is a Friendship Caught on Fire,' 'Once More I Hold You in My Arms,' and 'Parting'
• Jeet Kune Do – The Liberation – toward personal liberation, notes on JKD, true mastery, and an objective evaluation of the combative skill of Bruce Lee, by those who know what it is
• Acting – what exactly is an actor, the art of acting
• Self-knowledge – in search of someone real, self-actualization, and the passionate state of mind
• Letters – 'The True Meaning of Life–Peace of Mind,' 'Use Your Own Experience and Imagination,' and 'It's All in the State of Mind'
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