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Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere - Adele Westbrook

Adele Westbrook Adele Westbrook

Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere - Adele Westbrook


Martial Arts Martial Arts

ISBN: 9780804832847

Format: 16 x 22 cm

Broj strana: 375

Povez: Paperback,Illustrations

Izdavač: Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing

Godina izdanja: 2001.

Šifra proizvoda: 758



Popust 10%

Cena sa PDV-om:

2772 din.  25.91 €  30.80 $

3080 din.  28.79 €  34.22 $



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Adele Westbrook, who works for one of the largest advertising agencies in the world, studied philosophy at Columbia University at the same time co-author Oscar Ratti was doing graduate work in the classical languages. They began to practice aikido together, and while studying under a variety of instructors in the United States and Europe, started the collection of notes and sketches which finally developed into this illustrated introduction to the art of aikido.

Oscar Ratti, now a commercial illustrator, received his degree in classical studies and law from the University of Naples where he was intercollegiate Greek-Roman wrestling champion and a member of the championship judo team. He later came to the United States and began to study aikido with Yasuo Ohara, one of the first instructors to teach in New York. In addition to being co-author of the book, Mr. Ratti provided all the excellent drawings that appear in this volume. Mr. Ratti and Ms. Westbrook have also! taught aikido in New York, working with youth groups at Centers associated with the Y.M.C.A.





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