Babun, knjige
Popularna nauka,
Praktične knjige,
Ezoterično hrišćanstvo,
Akcija, knjige i taroti
Domaće, 3 za 799
Domaće, 3 za 999
Domaće i strane, 3 za 1999
Strane i taroti, 3 za 3999
Količinski popusti
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3000 = 2%
5000 = 3%
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20000 = 7%
30000 = 10%
ISBN: 9780910261944
Format: 16 x 23 cm
Broj strana: 192
Povez: Paperback
Godina izdanja: 2010.
Šifra proizvoda: 735
Cena sa PDV-om:
1860 din. 17.38 € 20.67 $
Modern science and ancient wisdom traditions agree that the universe is a symphony of vibrational frequencies. In this beautiful, comprehensive, and unique work, Dr. Frawley elaborates the essential truths about cosmic sound, and how we can employ important mantras for healing, transformation and inner awakening.
David Frawley (or Pandit Vāmadeva Śāstrī वामदेव शास्त्री) is a Vedic teacher and educator with numerous books in several Vedic and Yogic fields published worldwide over the past thirty years. He is the founder and director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies in Santa Fe, New Mexico (, which offers courses and publications on Ayurvedic medicine, Yoga and meditation, and Vedic astrology. He is also involved in important research into ancient Vedic texts and is a well known modern exponent of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma. His work is high respected in traditional circles in India, where he has received many awards, as well as influential in the West, where he is involved in many Vedic and Yogic schools, ashrams and associations.
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