Babun, knjige
Istočnjačka učenja,
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Domaće, 3 za 799
Domaće, 3 za 999
Domaće i strane, 3 za 1999
Strane i taroti, 3 za 3999
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3000 = 2%
5000 = 3%
10000 = 5%
20000 = 7%
30000 = 10%
ISBN: 9780892819386
Format: 21 x 29 cm
Broj strana: 272
Povez: Paperback,Illustrations
Godina izdanja: 2000.
Šifra proizvoda: 699
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2574 din. 24.06 € 28.60 $
2860 din. 26.73 € 31.78 $
Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine explains the healing qualities of various foods and spices and recommends combinations appropriate for specific conditions of body and mind.
• Provides a complete introduction to the Ayurvedic science of healthy eating
• Includes 200 vegetarian recipes to improve health and longevity
• By Harish Johari, the bestselling author of Chakras, Tools for Tantra, and Numerology.
One of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, the Indian science of Ayurveda views the human being as intimately connected with the environment and all other life forms. It prescribes various methods of synchronizing ourselves with the world around us, placing great emphasis on diet and the specific attributes of different foods. Following these ancient guidelines, Harish Johari offers a clear and concise introduction to the principles of Ayurvedic eating and explains the healing qualities that foods and spices impart according to their subtle energies. He suggests special combinations to heal and balance both body and mind and includes 200 vegetarian recipes.
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