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A discussion of the fundamentals and essentials of both magick and mysticism. Illustrated. Glossary.
Nema na zalihama
Weaving together lore, legend, and belief, Bucklands Book of Gypsy Magic revives the spell-craft and healing wisdom of the Romani people.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2295 din. 21.45 € 25.50 $
2550 din. 23.83 € 28.33 $
Based on the transcriptions of Dr. John Dee, the famous Elizabethan scientist and magus, The Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee is the translation of the original material received from direct Angelic contact.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2178 din. 20.36 € 24.20 $
2420 din. 22.62 € 26.89 $
The Equinox became the standard for English language esotericism in the early 20th century, aptly termed the Encyclopedia of Initiation by its principal editor and contributor, Aleister Crowley.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
3150 din. 29.44 € 35.00 $
3500 din. 32.71 € 38.89 $
Esoteric Orders and their Work examines how and why esoteric schools have restricted admission to their secret societies and orders, and shrouded their practices in mystery.
Provides a clear and detailed account of the preparations and precautions necessary for the successful evocation of its 72 spirits, which are described in detail.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2772 din. 25.91 € 30.80 $
3080 din. 28.79 € 34.22 $
Translated from a 17th century manuscript stored in Paris, this is an ancient but still useful book of popularized Christian magic. It is illustrated with intricate sigils.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
1980 din. 18.50 € 22.00 $
2200 din. 20.56 € 24.44 $
Herbs have been used for medicine, magic, and ritual for centuries. The ancient arts of Herbal Alchemy and Herbal Magick combine an understanding of the healing and energizing effects of herbs (roots, leaves, flowers, resins and essential oils) with an understanding of the cycles of the natural world the astrological movement of the stars and planets, and the cycles of the earths seasons.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2574 din. 24.06 € 28.60 $
2860 din. 26.73 € 31.78 $
A magical grimoire of sigils and rituals for summoning and mastering spirits, The Key of Solomon the King is the most famous, or infamous, of all magick books.
Nema na zalihama
Using the premise that languages and the alphabets that comprise them are metaphorical microcosms of our world, Nigel Pennick demonstrates how various alphabets function as a metaphysical description of reality.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
1782 din. 16.65 € 19.80 $
1980 din. 18.50 € 22.00 $
The tarot has become enormously popular as a tool for divination and, on a more esoteric level, as a source of symbolic wisdom. Gareth Knight combines the two traditions into a connected workable system for students of the tarot.
Aleister Crowleys ascension into the pantheon of alternative gurus was cemented by his appearance on The Beatles Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover.
Nema na zalihama
Eastern Teachings
Mudras-also playfully called 'finger power points' are yoga positions for your hands and fingers. They can be practiced sitting, lying down, standing, or walking, at any time and place.
Cena sa PDV-om:
1860 din. 17.38 € 20.67 $
Buckland’s Book of Saxon Witchcraft was one of the first books to explore Wicca from a solitary perspective. Originally written 30 years ago to correct abuses he saw occurring in covens, Buckland offered Wiccan seekers an introductory text on Saxon witchcraft or Seax-Wicca, which can be practiced alone.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2160 din. 20.19 € 24.00 $
2400 din. 22.43 € 26.67 $
This bestselling Weiser classic is a spiritual first aid manual filled with hundreds of recipes, rituals, and practical ways to rid your home, office, and self of negative energy.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2178 din. 20.36 € 24.20 $
2420 din. 22.62 € 26.89 $
A comprehensive course of Taoist yoga. Instructions by ancient enlightened patriarchs and masters are translated here for the first time. A classic work.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
2178 din. 20.36 € 24.20 $
2420 din. 22.62 € 26.89 $
Tarot Card Combinations is a unique, comprehensive, and highly practical presentation of interpreting the tarot that has helped thousands master the ancient divination.
Nema na zalihama
In this ground-breaking book, Lon Milo DuQuette explains the symbology of the cards in his Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, a new deck published by Thelesis Aura.
Nema na zalihama
Caballa magic is no longer an unintelligible mystery. Ophiels classic Art and Practice of Caballa Magic is a clear, lively, and practical guide to occult magic.
Cena sa PDV-om:
2200 din. 20.56 € 24.44 $
In order to attract readers, it was not uncommon for magical texts of the 16th century to take on the name of a notable figure. Such is the case with The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus, whose secrets are, in fact, a compilation from a number of different sources by an anonymous author who was, according to editors Best and Brightman, probably one of Albertus Magnus followers.
Popust 10%
Cena sa PDV-om:
1980 din. 18.50 € 22.00 $
2200 din. 20.56 € 24.44 $
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