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Ukupno: 11

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Beauty of Bonsai - Junsun Yamamoto

Eastern Teachings

Junsun Yamamoto

Japans delicate, miniature bonsai are instantly recognizable and enjoyed by people the world over. But true understanding of bonsai, and the ability to master the art of displaying them so that their beauty is maximized, takes dedication and time.

Popust 10%

Cena sa PDV-om:

2376 din.  22.21 €  26.40 $

2640 din.  24.67 €  29.33 $


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Create Your Own Japanese Garden - Motomo Oguchi

Eastern Teachings

Motomo Oguchi

In this book, renowned garden designer Motomi Oguchi offers the reader a step-by-step, practical approach to creating Japanese gardens, drawn from a wealth of experience that covers thirty years and encompasses the design of more than 400 gardens.

Cena sa PDV-om:

2460 din.  22.99 €  27.33 $


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Japanese Touch for Your Garden - Kiyoshi Seike

Eastern Teachings

Kiyoshi Seike

Here is a concise introduction to the practical aspects of making a Japanese garden. Whether your garden is a spacious suburban lot, an office countyard, or a tiny inner-city backyard, you will find here hundreds of creative but time-honored ways to make maximum use of the space you have.

Cena sa PDV-om:

1980 din.  18.50 €  22.00 $


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Japanese Touch for Your Home - Koji Yagi

Eastern Teachings

Koji Yagi

Filled with elegant designs and clever tips, A Japanese Touch for Your Home offers bold and exciting ideas for remodeling your home or redecorating your apartment. The author, architect Koji Yagi, explains the basic elements of Japanese interior design and shows you how to use them.

Popust 10%

Cena sa PDV-om:

1782 din.  16.65 €  19.80 $

1980 din.  18.50 €  22.00 $


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Kodokan Judo - Jigor Kano

Eastern Teachings

Jigoro Kano

Judo, or the Way of Gentleness, an ideal form of physical exercise and a reliable system, of self-defense, was specially created from traditional Japanese martial arts.

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Nađi svoje zašto

Uspeh i motivacija

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek je svojom prvom knjigom „Počni sa zašto“ stvorio globalni pokret, sa ciljem da pomogne ljudima da otkriju svrhu bilo kojeg rada kojim se bave u životu.

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Secret Teachings Of Aikido - Morihei Ueshiba

Martial Arts

Morihej Uješiba

Aikido evolved from the rich martial traditions of Japan, and was developed by Morihei Ueshiba based on their profound philosophies. In this book, the author explains how Aikido is both the spirit of love and the study of that spirit.

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The Karate - Hirokazu Kanazawa

Martial Arts

Hirokazu Kanazawa

The perfect practice companion more than 3,000 photos illustrate all Kata, explained and demonstrated by Master Kanazawa. Available in English for the first time ever.

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The Lone Samurai - William Scot Wilson

Eastern Teachings

Viljem Skot Vilson

Musashi is primarily known in the West as the author of The Book of Five Rings, a guide to swordsmanship strategies that became a essential business-strategy manual in the 1980.

Cena sa PDV-om:

1980 din.  18.50 €  22.00 $


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The Secret Techniques of Bonsai - Masukuni Kawusumi

Eastern Teachings

Masukuni Kawusumi

Japans leading bonsai experts offer not only the basics for creating perfect bonsai, but also secret techniques the family has developed over generations of careful work and observation.

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The Unfettered Mind - Takuan Soho

Eastern Teachings

Takuan Soho

In a life-and-death situation of being sword-tip to sword-tip with the enemy, where should the swordsman put his mind? This is the first question posed in the first of three essays written by a Zen master for the guidance of samurai swordsmen.

Cena sa PDV-om:

800 din.  7.48 €  8.89 $


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