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Izdavač Healing Arts Press

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Ukupno: 3

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Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine - Harish Johari

Alternative medicine

Hariš Johari

Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine explains the healing qualities of various foods and spices and recommends combinations appropriate for specific conditions of body and mind.

Popust 10%

Cena sa PDV-om:

2574 din.  24.06 €  28.60 $

2860 din.  26.73 €  31.78 $


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Ayurvedic Massage - Harish Johari

Alternative medicine

Hariš Johari

Ayurvedic Massage is the first book on the subject, and the first new massage therapy introduced to the West since shiatsu. One of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, Ayurveda views the human being as intimately connected with the environment and all other life forms.

Popust 10%

Cena sa PDV-om:

2772 din.  25.91 €  30.80 $

3080 din.  28.79 €  34.22 $


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Herbs for Healthy Aging - David Hoffmann

Alternative medicine

David Hoffman

A guide to herbal remedies that promote longevity, restore the body’s systems, treat chronic conditions, and maintain natural health.

Popust 10%

Cena sa PDV-om:

3240 din.  30.28 €  36.00 $

3600 din.  33.64 €  40.00 $


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