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Knjige autora Garet Najt


Ukupno: 3

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Magic and the Power of the Goddess


Garet Najt

A manual of magical and mystical techniques for contacting the Goddess within - Draws from two thousand years of source material to demonstrate the ongoing reality of the feminine power and its relevance for today.

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Magical World of Tarot - Gareth Knight


Garet Najt

The tarot has become enormously popular as a tool for divination and, on a more esoteric level, as a source of symbolic wisdom. Gareth Knight combines the two traditions into a connected workable system for students of the tarot.

Akcija, kupite ovde Akcija, naručite ovde


Magijske slike i imaginacija - Garet Najt


Garet Najt

Znanje i korišćenje magijskih slika za duhovni samorazvoj je nekada bilo strogo čuvana tajna inicijata i adepata Misterijskih Škola. Autor daje jednostavne podele i vrste magijskih slika, kao i uputstva za njihovo korišćenje kao pomagača samoostvarenja I duhovnog rasta.

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